Win 10 Upgrade and NSS Failure

I updated to Win10, and found out after the fact that I should have updated Norton Security Suite first. My subsequent experience with Norton was not as successful as others. I have consulted with two Norton Support Techs over four hours (including phone wait time), and they used remote access to delve into the finer points of my system. They used Norton Power Eraser and Norton Uninstaller, deleted Norton Program files, and even went into the Registry to make changes. Other than making registry changes, I had used the other tools prior to calling the support line. Based on the Norton Techs conclusions so far, Norton Security Suite cannot be installed on my system after the upgrade to Win 10. Actually, I haven't heard from them, they simply gave up working on it. I am waiting a few days to find out if the Techs can develop a fix for the future. Until then, I will be using Windows Defender and Windows Firewall, and exploring other options. Does anyone out there have any suggestions?