Win 7 ghost image "corrupt" after installing Win 8

I am in a situation where I need to be able to restore a "clean" state of Win 7 or Win 8 on a system.  The SOP is to have a System partition with the booting OS, a small Fat partition with Ghost 11.5, and then another partition with the ghost images stored on it.  Images are created and restored by using a DOS boot CD and running Ghost 11.5.


The System partition was set up with a Win 98/DOS boot CD (to prevent the 100-meg hidden partition from being created).


What I am seeing is this:

I install Win 7 and create the image.  The image verifies and is usable.  I then install Win 8 (using the installer to format the system partition, so that it's a clean install not an upgrade) and create the Win 8 image.  This image verifies and is usable. 


If I now try to restore the Win 7 image, Ghost claims that the image is corrupt (or that it is an invalid span file).

If I manually reinstall Win 7 from the install disks, Ghost will declare the Win 8 image to be corrupt.


Anyone else encountered this and found a fix or workaround?