Win Up To $20K For Your U.S. School with Norton Cyber Safe Challenge

During National Cyber Security Awareness Month, we're challenging parents to become more involved in their children's online lives with the Norton Cyber Safe Challenge. This is a contest where any U.S. school can compete to win $20,000; $10,000 or $5,000. The money can be used for anything from new computers to art supplies to helping pay for field trips.


There is no cost to compete, and all participants get a FREE subscription to OnlineFamily.Norton. Here are the steps to compete;

1. Register your school at by October 31st.

2. Pick a parent or PTO coordinator who can rally other parents.

3. You and the coordinator will receive a promotional code to share with parents

4. Parents must go online and subscribe to OnlineFamily.Norton using the code.

5. Prizes are awarded to the schools with the most subscribers* by November 15, 2009.


*all details about how prizes will be awarded can be found online at and click on the Rules link.


You already know how terrific OnlineFamily.Norton can be to give you more insight into your child's online lives. This contest is a great way to encourage your fellow parents at the school to give it a try and possibly earn money for the school at the same time.