Win7 crashes w/ NIS & FF

Win7 Pro (64)  Firefox 23.0.1

I just updated my Norton Internet Security so it would "work with Firefox 23.0.1".

The 1st thing I noticed was the Norton Toolbar is not properly displayed. (see attached pdf).

Then I discovered that my system was becoming unresponsive. Every time I try to post in this forum with Firefox the response starts to fade and eventually there is absolutely no response from any input. The hdd is not active during this time.

After a hard reboot I tried again with the same results.

This time I tried "Support" from the Norton Control Panel and the Auto-repair said it found something & fixed it.

After a normal reboot I tried to access this Forum again and the computer locked up again after about 2 minutes.

A hard reboot was required again. This happened twice more.

The only way I have been able to function is to post through Internet Explorer. (btw the Norton Toolbar displays properly in IE 10)

Also it appears that the Identity Safe does not automatically record new logins as it did not record my Login to this forum.

Auto-repair finds nothing.

This needs to be fixed soonest.

What can I do?