Win7 - Error EC8F17B3 and -Error EBAB0013

Hi there, I have a pair of OCZ 60GB Vertex2 SSDs in RAID 0 and I'm trying to clone them to my new Samsung 830 Series 256GB SSD. I made sure the Samsung was unallocated before I started the cloning process, but everytime it hits 99%, I get the following errors:


-Error EC8F17B3: Cannot complete copying of  (E:\) drive.
--Cannot copy source drive to destination location.
---Error EBAB0013: A test that safeguards the integrity of the program failed unexpectedly. CHECK failed, FileAccess::SmeAccessor::FsParse: .\SmeAccessor.cpp(284): result.IsSuccess().
---Cannot copy source drive to destination location.
----Error EBAB0013: A test that safeguards the integrity of the program failed unexpectedly. CHECK failed, FileAccess::SmeAccessor::FsParse: .\SmeAccessor.cpp(284): result.IsSuccess().



What am I doing wrong? I have a third HDD that I’m using that has Win7 and  Ghost 15.0 SP1 installed to do the cloning process.


I took the liberty of running that SeaST I saw in another post.


05-25-2012,22:50:07 : Console output:
Getting partition info from all drives

Partition information for drive 0

Partition information for drive 1

Partition information for drive 2

05-25-2012,22:50:07 : Launch successful. Exit code: 0

======== Processing NGH SME Dump
05-25-2012,22:50:07 : Launching executable: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Norton Ghost\Utility\smedump.exe” -out “C:\Users\GUERiLLA\Desktop\SeaST\001-002-003_GUERILLA-PC.1\NGHDiagnostics\SMEDump.txt”
05-25-2012,22:50:15 : Launch successful. Exit code: 0

======== Processing NGH MSInfo
05-25-2012,22:50:15 : Launching executable: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\MSInfo\MSInfo32.exe” /nfo “C:\Users\GUERiLLA\Desktop\SeaST\001-002-003_GUERILLA-PC.1\NGHDiagnostics\system.nfo”
05-25-2012,22:50:26 : Launch successful. Exit code: 0

======== Processing RPAM Logs
05-25-2012,22:50:26 : Failed to copy “C:\ProgramData\Application Data\Symantec\RPAM\Log*.*”. The system cannot find the file specified. Error 2

======== Processing RPAM Cache
05-25-2012,22:50:26 : Failed to copy “C:\ProgramData\Application Data\Symantec\RPAM\RPAM_Cache.dat”. The system cannot find the file specified. Error 2

======== Processing Dr. Watson Log
05-25-2012,22:50:26 : Failed to copy “<DrWatsonDir NOT FOUND>\drwtsn32.log”. The system cannot find the file specified. Error 2
05-25-2012,22:50:26 : Failed to copy “C:\Windows\drwtsn32.log”. The system cannot find the file specified. Error 2
05-25-2012,22:50:26 : Failed to copy “%CommonDocumentsDir%\DrWatson\drwtsn32.log”. The system cannot find the file specified. Error 2
05-25-2012,22:50:26 : Failed to copy “C:\ProgramData\Application Data\Microsoft\Dr Watson\drwtsn32.log”. The system cannot find the file specified. Error 2
05-25-2012,22:50:26 : Failed to copy “C:\Users\GUERiLLA\Documents\DrWatson\drwtsn32.log”. The system cannot find the file specified. Error 2
05-25-2012,22:50:26 : Failed to copy “C:\Users\GUERiLLA\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Dr Watson\drwtsn32.log”. The system cannot find the file specified. Error 2

======== Processing Application Event Log
05-25-2012,22:50:26 : Application event log backed up: C:\Users\GUERiLLA\Desktop\SeaST\001-002-003_GUERILLA-PC.1\OS Logs\Application.evt

======== Processing System Event Log
05-25-2012,22:50:26 : System event log backed up: C:\Users\GUERiLLA\Desktop\SeaST\001-002-003_GUERILLA-PC.1\OS Logs\System.evt

======== Processing Security Event Log
05-25-2012,22:50:26 : Security event log backed up: C:\Users\GUERiLLA\Desktop\SeaST\001-002-003_GUERILLA-PC.1\OS Logs\Security.evt

======== Processing Directory Service Event Log
05-25-2012,22:50:26 : Directory Service event log backed up: C:\Users\GUERiLLA\Desktop\SeaST\001-002-003_GUERILLA-PC.1\OS Logs\Directory Service.evt

======== Processing DNS Server Event Log
05-25-2012,22:50:26 : DNS Server event log backed up: C:\Users\GUERiLLA\Desktop\SeaST\001-002-003_GUERILLA-PC.1\OS Logs\DNS Server.evt

======== Processing File Replication Service Event Log
05-25-2012,22:50:26 : File Replication Service event log backed up: C:\Users\GUERiLLA\Desktop\SeaST\001-002-003_GUERILLA-PC.1\OS Logs\File Replication Service.evt

======== Processing Performance Logs
05-25-2012,22:50:26 : Failed to copy “<PerfMonLogDir NOT FOUND>*.*”. The system cannot find the file specified. Error 2

======== Processing Setup Logs
05-25-2012,22:50:26 : File copied successfully: C:\Windows\setupact.log –> C:\Users\GUERiLLA\Desktop\SeaST\001-002-003_GUERILLA-PC.1\Setup Logs\setupact.log

======== Processing TCP/IP Configuration Information
05-25-2012,22:50:26 : Directory Misc OS Files created
05-25-2012,22:50:26 : Launching executable: “C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe” /C ipconfig /all > “C:\Users\GUERiLLA\Desktop\SeaST\001-002-003_GUERILLA-PC.1\Misc OS Files\ipconfig.txt”
05-25-2012,22:50:26 : Launch successful. Exit code: 0

======== Processing HOSTS File
05-25-2012,22:50:26 : File copied successfully: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts –> C:\Users\GUERiLLA\Desktop\SeaST\001-002-003_GUERILLA-PC.1\Misc OS Files\hosts

======== Processing LMHOSTS File
05-25-2012,22:50:26 : Failed to copy “C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\LMHOSTS”. The system cannot find the file specified. Error 2

======== Processing SERVICES File
05-25-2012,22:50:26 : File copied successfully: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\services –> C:\Users\GUERiLLA\Desktop\SeaST\001-002-003_GUERILLA-PC.1\Misc OS Files\services

======== Processing MDAC Installation Log
05-25-2012,22:50:26 : Failed to copy “C:\Windows\DASetup.log”. The system cannot find the file specified. Error 2

======== Processing .NET DownloadManager
05-25-2012,22:50:26 : Failed to copy “C:\Users\GUERiLLA\AppData\Local\Temp\DownloadManager*”. The system cannot find the file specified. Error 2

05-25-2012,22:50:26 : Gather complete!
05-25-2012,22:50:26 : Compressing output to C:\Users\GUERiLLA\Desktop\SeaST\001-002-003_GUERILLA-PC.1\

 It doesn’t look good. :</P>