Windoctor is truncating paths in the registry

I installed NSW 12 and decided to run Windoctor.  It came back with 437 errors.   I was wary of letting it make changes, but since it said I could undo any changes I let it do so and it said it fixed everything.  


I then ran it again and it came back with more errors which looked very wrong.  Many of the paths in the InprocServer32 for HKCR\CLSID are now truncated.  For example, the CLSID of {6FDEE0F0-ECD7-423c-BD1C-525ECBAC7E1B}] now lists it's InprocServer32 as:

@="C:\\Documents and Settings\\All Users\\Application Data\\Norton\\{0C5"


So you can see it corrupted a Norton Internet Security registry.  It corrupted a bunch of other ones as well.  About 50 total.  I tried looking at the history to restore the changes it made, but it didn't list any of the changes it made to the ActiveX objects.  The only things listed were shortcuts deleted.



Fortunately I found the backedup .reg entries in the Norton Protected Recycled Bin.  Looking at those I can see that the 50 truncated registry entries were ones that WinDoctor tried to fix.  For example, the  InprocServer32 value before it tried to fix it was:



Now why it changed it from that to 

@="C:\\Documents and Settings\\All Users\\Application Data\\Norton\\{0C5


is beyond me.   I don't think it should have done that.  I'm guessing it was trying to point it to the SyKnAppS.dll file in the  NIS 2009 directory, but failed to do so.

I found a bunch of under registry entries that WinDoctor tried to fix by pointing to a different version of the file, but truncated the path.
Message Edited by Morac on 10-25-2008 03:37 AM