I don't see anyone moaning about it (hopefully a good sign) but just wondered if there were any war stories/gotchas with regard to updating from 1809 to 1903 wrt Norton? Or good to go??
Many thanks,
I don't see anyone moaning about it (hopefully a good sign) but just wondered if there were any war stories/gotchas with regard to updating from 1809 to 1903 wrt Norton? Or good to go??
Many thanks,
Eh, no? Just via Windows Update download and install. That’s what all the mags say is the safest way? I’ll away and Google your suggestion tho.
Technically I started the update at 16:30 yesterday but by 18:00 the download was resolutely stuck and by 19:00 I gave up for the night starting again this morning first thing, it finished mid afternoon so wasn’t amused.
David are you using the media creation tool and upgrading with it? I used it on my machines with the average install time just under 2 hours on a mix of wireless and ethernet connections.
Well I've just done 1 of 3 and will be in no rush to do the other two. That was brutal, it took around 9 hours all in - from "Getting Things Ready", download, installing, configuring, preparing... they should have a single 0 - 100% status throughout rather than multiple annoying ones where you think you're just about finished and then it goes back to 0% for something else. MS need to majorly rethink their updates esp given apparently 60%+ are still on 1803 with 30%+ on 1809 - it's like a constant game of Russian roulette.
Anyway, 1 done. And Norton appears unscathed on it so far. Touchwood!
Now to find out what no longer works...
All: These are the "known issues" with the release of 1903. Here is a listing of the "resolved issues" in 1903 since release. Additional information can be found here as well. To date ALL my systems have upgraded without issue, the latest Norton version also has not caused any issues during or after the install.
I had some issues last month. You may want to have a look at this thread.
It does guys, thank you. I may have a go over the weekend...
David, I have one system out of 7 left to upgrade. All are a mix of Intel and AMD architectures, fairly modern hardware. 4 cores and above CPU's, a mix of desktop publishing and gaming GPU's. I've not had any issues with Norton on any of them to date. Hope that helps.
Seems to be working just fine!