I just wanted to add to this post for everyone as requards to the Extra partition, and also the other main reason for it
for those of you that dont know wbaout hard drives and fragmentation ect.
the more data that is on your drive, the more the drive becomes fragmented. this slows your pc down dramitically
the windows defrag is still uselss at this.
if you all notice from the adverts microsoft claim its new windows 7 loads faster than previous versions.
yes , and how ?, becasue by creating the extra 200mb partition, you only have boot files, recovery files NOTHING MORE
so when you turn on your pc, that boot partion is so small no fragmentation, windows will load faster, also its about security
many of you want to remove this partition WHY, its 200mb, ghost works with it so keep it
by placing all your boot files on the same partition as the main OS, gives it more chance of
1 getting corrupted due to maculous software, or a virus, most hackers and people that make virus, now attack your boot files
2 your Os becomes more and more full of data, the partition becomes fragmented so much it takes forever to laod
3 if you look at what is stating up when your pc runs, you should see the main system32 files not listed. as this is being taken over from the new partition.
over all i would say keep the partition, if u get the chance just see how non fragmented it gets , see how long your pc takes on average compared to having the hidden partition, excluding all the addons u have on startup !!!
hope this is of some help to all thos who are not so clued up