Windows 8 Norton 360 Disk Optimization Error Drive C: Error - not completed


I hope you are alright.

The problem is reduced to the subject. I have run the chkdsk through cmd and the disk has no errors.

Any idea why the defragmenter is not working on Norton?

Thank you!

Hi At erg

If you have a SSD Norton will not optimise it as it recognises that it is a SSD, if its not try the below.


The Norton optimiser function launches the windows defragmentation tool so to eliminate Norton can you launch the windows defragmentation tool and check if it completes?


How much free space is on the hard drive?






Hi intesec!

Thanks!, it is HDD

I run the Windows defragmenter and after analysing the drive does not go any further 0% of defragmentation stops and leaves the same note as in the beginning (Needs optimization 17% defragmented)
The drive has 81% free space


Thank you!

Hi Aterg

Try restarting the computer and retry the windows defragmentation tool again if it fails there may be a problem with the windows defragmentation tool to check this out download and install a third party defragmentation tool on the link below this defragmentation tool is recommended by regular users on the Norton forum.


It is ok to use the computer when the defragmentation tool is running but I don’t I just leave the computer alone I suggest that you do this as well as you are having a problem with defragmentation.


I’m not sure if you have C cleaner or something like it but getting rid of the junk files before defragmenting is what I do.


C cleaner has two buttons, cleaner and registry, cleaning the registry can cause serious problems so it is best to leave it alone.


On the left hand pane of the cleaner user interface there are check boxes that can be unchecked so that the files in these locations will not be deleted.


Be sure to check when downloading and installing that the extra offers are unchecked.


C cleaner is freeware (5mb), you might like to do some research on the web about C cleaner?


Piriform defragment tool is freeware.




