Since installing NIS on Windows 8, various tiles on the start screen have stopped working. eg Store, Music, Mail. The tile rotates and fills the screen and those dots go round in circle for a while, but then ..... nothing. Is this some firewall issue?
I think it must have been just a coincidence that this (seems to have) happened after installing NIS.
I uninstalled NIS and still had the problem. So I "Refreshed" my Windows 8 installation (a new concept in Windows 8 - short of a full Windows reinstall). Then reinstalled NIS and everything is now fine.
Since installing NIS on Windows 8, various tiles on the start screen have stopped working. eg Store, Music, Mail. The tile rotates and fills the screen and those dots go round in circle for a while, but then ..... nothing. Is this some firewall issue?
I noticed that this was "solved", but I believe it an issue still and think that it may be mine. I have Windows 8 Pro 64 and have had to do a system refresh twice to restore mouse wheel panning on the start screen and had issues the second time with some tiles not responding. It occurred each time after installing Norton from Comcast. I can't be positive or that it may not have something to do with a combination of that and my nVidia GT120 card and drivers. Anyway I am having issues and looking for similar issues. I have not reinstalled Norton and thus far after the refresh, my start screen is fine.I am really just gathering more data at this point. Unfortunately, my log files dissappeared with the refresh.