Windows Firewall "Blocked Program" notification when turned off?

Hi Guys


I've been running the latest most up-to-date version of NIS for many months now and with very little problems. 


This afternoon i loaded up one of my online games (lord of the rings online) and played the game with no problems. When i exited my game after around 30 mins of playing there was a notification box from windows firewall saying that the .exe for the game had been blocked by windows firewall. The weird thing is, Windows firewall has not even been turned on for months. 


I checked in Security Center and it is reporting that NIS firewall is active and Window firewall is turned off so everything seems okay there. I decided to check the "programs allowed through by the windows firewall" screen and it does look as though it blocked the game .exe from accessing the internet but obviously this rule wouldn't matter as the firewall is not psyhically switched on. I reticked the box to allow the game exe access to the internet just in case though.


So basically...


1) Does Windows Firewall still record what programs are accessing the internet even though is not "psychically" switched on?

2) If the answer to 1) is Yes, Do you think this was a little glitch that slipped through?

3) Would NIS overule anything that the Windows Firewall did when switched off? Basically if i get another Windows firewall notification do i have to worry about giving it access to internet or would NIS still allow it?


Thanks in advance

