Windows Live Family Safety blocking internet access....?

Hello all,

I apologize, haven't been on here in what seems like ages....  Even outside of demands of my work, a recent family situation of which is still ongoing, continues to take a majority of my time to say the least.

As of recently, I've noticed that when Family Safety is enabled, google/gmail will not load.  Other sites like Safe Web and Barnes & Noble are accessible, but, even at that, browsing seems hindered.  At first, I did some routine maintenance/ and scans, however, when the problem persisted, I was almost ready to go in with ComboFix and a number of other industrial-grade strength applications.  Then, idea.  I remembered some time back, when Norton's parental controls were hindering the internet.  Just to see, I disabled Windows Live Family Safety, and, sure enough, internet browsing returned to normal.  Interesting.  I specifically went with Windows Live to avoid the hassle of Norton's burdensome parental controls, but now, find myself in a similar situation with Windows Live.  As for possible solutions, I set Windows Live Family Safety to looser restrictions, that did not seem to help.  Then I thought that maybe the version I had was just no good anymore.  Performed an un-install, then installed the newest version, didn't seem to change things....  Perhaps things in this regard will have to be worked out on Microsoft's end?  According to their site:, many changes are slated for this program.  I find it somewhat hilarious that google and gmail would outright not load with Family Safety enabled :-)  Maybe it is time for me to re-consider purchasing Norton's parental controls? 

You might say, "Why post this on Norton's Website, this is a Microsoft issue...."  I can appreciate that.  I have been a member with Norton for a number of years, and, on some level, just feel more at home here, to be honest.  Also, trying to raise awareness if (potentially) the community here is experiencing this as well - - you are not crazy and you are not alone. 

In closing, much has changed (especially appearance wise) since I've been on here last.  I guess with the way my avatar displays now, at least I can keep my "eyes" on all of you.... (laughs) 

