Windows Update

Hi all, got an annoying little problem that keeps recurring & I just hope someone has experienced it too & found a solution. I run Windows 7 & like to think I keep a pretty tight ship,security-wise & keep all the Microsoft updates,well,up to date! About 2 weeks' ago a red cross appeared on the white action centre flag.I duely clicked on it & found there was 1 important message which was "to change my settings to install updates automatically."  Now I always leave it set to that,so I clicked on "change settings" & set it to that recommended setting.

  The next day & in fact everytime I reboot my pc,the red cross is back & I do the same procedure all over again. Now I know it only takes a short time,but WHY is it happening? I've gone to the control panel & clicked on Maintainance,Windows update & sure,it found & repaired a problem which was "repaired Windows update problems", but sure enough the red cross

came back!  I've also downloaded the Microsoft Fix-it program with the same result.

   So,can anyone out there give me some advice please? Thanks, Seabiscuit