Can those with Windows 7 check to see if their weather gadget can connect to the service. Both of my PCs are showing "cannot connect to service" as of March 3, 2013 at 5:31 PM.
Interestingly, the open Gadget on my desktop shows the temp & my city + the message "4 hrs ago".
Opening another instance of the gadget shows "(i) Cannot connect to service".
I've seen this message a few times before, but eventually it starts working again. How long has yours been like that?
P.S. You mean you didn't disable Gadgets when Microsoft told us to?
Since yesterday. I have contacted Microsoft and they said they have an outtage of the service. Time of fix is unknown.
Server gnomes?
Edit: And no I didn't disable the service I still have the CPU gadget.
Hmmm, odd that mine was working 4+ hours ago, huh?
ETA: I've got 6 gadgets always running. That that Microsoft!
Well I was last using the PC since last night (about 1 AM?) and it was broken since then (I think).
WLP wrote:Since yesterday. I have contacted Microsoft and they said they have an outtage of the service. Time of fix is unknown.
Server gnomes?
That explains why mine does not give the actual temperature here but does show the Forecasts from "1 day ago" ....
I hope they are not going to drop the service. At one time I think Weather Underground had a gadget ... must see if that is still around.
Here’s the Weatherunderground gadget . But using unknown gadget carries the risk of exploitation by the gadget vulnerability.
Norton, I susptect, is blocking the download .... or something is.
I contacted Microsoft and they said there’s an issue with the gadget. They will fix it.
The Weatherunderground gadget downloads just fine.
Please keep this thread updated if Microsoft does fixes it.
Well, mine is working today. It was working when I got home this morning, but it's different. Instead of showing the current temp, it's showing the predicted high and low for the day. There are no options to change what it displays so I guess we're stuck with this, but it's kind of confusing. I don't like it. Then again, I've got Weatherbug installed so it doesn't really matter. (Not sure why I even have the MS weather gadget running - habit I guess.)
That doesn't mean that it's working. The gadget has the projected highs and lows for the next 3 days or so at any given time as long at it is working, so, if it goes out, it will just display those projections from its memory (and it knows the date & time from your system clock). If you remove the gadget and add it to the desktop again, that will wipe its 3-day memory, and it should give the "cannot connect to service" error.
OK, let's say that it is working intermittently then. Obviously it has updated since Tuesday when it only showed a temperature and the number of hours since it last updated - which was at 7 hours the last time I looked on Tuesday. It has also updated at least once since this morning. As I mentioned previously, I've seen the "Cannot connect to service" message a number of times before, but it always comes back around at some point. Luckily the Weather gadget isn't a very critical application.
The currency app is also displaying the "cannot connect to service" problem. I've re-asked Microsoft and the date of the fix cannot be given
I have turned off the weather gadget cause I hate seeing the "cannot connect to service" message (only the CPU gadget is showing). Also, I have closed and re-opened the gadget so it "lost" my town and I have to set it again once the service is running.
Like others I'm not getting updated on weather or on currency which today show updated 2 days ago and Weather can't find my location if I ask it to change.
Could you please go to the message marked Solved and cancel that flag on it -- you as the original poster can do this but if not let me know and I can get it done.
I marked it as solve because the "solution" is that Microsoft is "fixing it." They already know about it. So anybody who visits this thread will know that this is a known problem.
I have been searching for a solution to this problem all day yesterday. Finally stumbled on to your original post. I have the same exact problem you described on 3 computers here. I guess just hurry up and wait?
WLP wrote:I marked it as solve because the "solution" is that Microsoft is "fixing it." They already know about it. So anybody who visits this thread will know that this is a known problem.
Your choice ... but given that they have discontinued those apps as unsafe do you really believe them?
Well it was working until a few days ago before it went kaput. Microsoft themselves say they're working on it, but ETA is unknown.
I certianly hope they do fix it since I do make use of the exhange rate one since my pensions come in from overseas. Luckily the BBC website is good if anyone needs that -- you can select which pair of currencies you want to show up in the graphic version.
Some people have reported that it is working now. Can you please check?
STILL not working for me.