Winfax Pro 10.03

Hi, hope any expert can help!

All these years, I have not encountered any problem for mass faxing by using Winfax Pro 10.03 with my windows XP system. Recently, I upgraded my computer to intel i5 processor but still using windows XP SP 3. After successfully installed the Winfax 10.03 and started mass faxing, Winfax starts give me problem : The dialing dialog box shows the dialed numbers were blacklisted numbers and coluld not dial at all after the first 10 numbers were successfully dialed and faxed. These blacklisted numbers could be dial and fax if I resubmit one at a time.

I really could not figure out whats wrong, hope the expert can advise. Thanks 

Hi, hope any expert can help!

All these years, I have not encountered any problem for mass faxing by using Winfax Pro 10.03 with my windows XP system. Recently, I upgraded my computer to intel i5 processor but still using windows XP SP 3. After successfully installed the Winfax 10.03 and started mass faxing, Winfax starts give me problem : The dialing dialog box shows the dialed numbers were blacklisted numbers and coluld not dial at all after the first 10 numbers were successfully dialed and faxed. These blacklisted numbers could be dial and fax if I resubmit one at a time.

I really could not figure out whats wrong, hope the expert can advise. Thanks 

Thanks for your suggestion.

The problem still occurs after installing the winfax pro 10.04 patch. This morning I tried refaxing the blacklisted numbers, after the 10 successful dialed numbers, one at a time the dialog box still showed blacklisted number. I closed and re-opened the winfax programme, it did not work. Then I restarted the windows and it worked perfectly again till 9 successful dialed numbers! Is it anything to do with the windows configuaration?

Are you sending to a group of known people who your sure want these faxes or is it possible that some of the recipiants don't want them?



I  won't think these numbers are blocked by the recipients because after restarting the windows, the same numbers can fax again until the 10th number onward, it showed " Blacklisted numbers" subsequently then I hace to restart windows again

Who is your phone service provider and could they be blocking your 10th call because they think you're a spam generator?

Just a thought as I passed by :smileywink:

darren128 wrote:

I  won't think these numbers are blocked by the recipients because after restarting the windows, the same numbers can fax again until the 10th number onward, it showed " Blacklisted numbers" subsequently then I hace to restart windows again


They are not being blocked by the recipiant, I never said they were.


I asked that question hoping for an honest answer because my willingness to tell you what is happening depends on if I feel you are sending unsolicited faxes or not.


Please forgive me, I mean no offence, but I will not help a person who I feel is a spammer.




Do you have the solution, Dave?

Actually, I'm not positive I can give you the legal solution but I'll go ahead and point you in the right direction even though I still don't know if your sending unsolicited faxes or not.


The problem your seeing has nothing to do with WinFax, it's coming from your modem.

By law, modems must be able to temporarily blacklist numbers for a certain period of time after a certain number of failures.

I'm not sure how many failures it takes or how long the blacklist lasts, but thats why these numbers become "usable" again for you.


The intent of the law was to not tie up phone lines, especially regular phones because they could interfere with emergency services.

For instance if you mistakenly put in someones home phone number, a faxing software could call that number over and over and over again tying up that line. (And really bothering the people answering the phone).


If you were to look at the instructions or specs from the manufacturer of the modems chipset you should be able to find initialization commands that will show you the blacklist list and commands that can be used to clear the list.

Or even better, you should just remove the numbers that become blacklisted and assume they don't work or the owners do not want your faxes.


If your getting blacklisted numbers and your sure they are not failures, then your initialation string must be incorrect or not correctly resetting the modem between faxes.  It's also possible something is wrong with your driver or modem setup.


I'm not sure of the legalites of adding the "clear blacklist" to the initialization string, I would assume it is not legal.

I'll send you some more info in a private message, I don't want to post any of the commands in pubic.

Click the envelope icon on the top of the page.



Hi Vinod!


I downloaded your Winfax pro 10.04 update, and tried to use it to update my Winfax Pro 10.00, but it needs a password!


Could you please let me know what the password is so I can update ver 10.00?


It would be greatly appreciated.




I'll give you the password if you tell me how you possibly replied to such an old topic.  It should have been closed after a month.


Check your private messages by clicking the litte yellow envelope on the top of the page.
