With DaaS Windows coming, say goodbye to your PC as you know it

How much are you going to like having Microsoft in charge of your desktop?

For over 30 years, we’ve thought of PCs primarily as Windows machines, which we owned and controlled. That’s about to change forever.

This isn’t about Microsoft forcing us off Windows 7 to Windows 10 as fast as it can (though it has found many ways to push that agenda). This is about Microsoft abandoning the Windows platform as a conventional desktop.

Microsoft is getting ready to replace Windows 10 with the Microsoft Managed Desktop. This will be a “desktop-as-a-service” (DaaS) offering. Instead of owning Windows, you’ll “rent” it by the month.


Well, hopefully, that continues to be the case. 



No, Microsoft Isn’t Turning Windows 10 Into a Paid Subscription Service -- 03-Aug-2018

"Instead of owning Windows, you’ll “rent” it by the month."

 I would like to tell their executives the following:  Good luck with that. 

Please note:- I have upvoted Krusty's post NOT because i appreciate the contents of the message, rather, because Krusty took time out to shed light on what Microsoft is scheming next.   




Seems like they're aiming for Enterprise users, at this stage.

Windows 7 will look good again.  I serious doubt MS is willing to watch their business tank with a "fee based" entity after all the lawsuits start appearing. The EU will most certainly be the first on that bandwagon.


A monthly fee to pay for MS to screw things up ?

Set up a debit arrangement, just to use MS ?

The minute that happens, Linux here I come.