I have Norton Premier 360 installed on my Hewlett Packard computer with Windows 7. I tried to download and install Adobe Flash Player because the one that I had had disappeared off of my computer. At first, I couldn't download it because of Smilebox, but I removed Smilebox and the Norton 360 seems to be preventing the Adobe Flash Player from installing. I shut down the Firewall for 15 minutes, but that still did not help. I need the Adobe Flash Player to read my e-cards from friends, but I have tried about 6-8 times, and Norton won't allow me to install the Flash Player. Can you advise me? Thank you.
Are you trying to install Flash from a Windows account with administrator privileges?
The Adobe Flash Player downloaded but wouldn't install and when I tried to find an answer online, the message said that I might need to disable my virus protection to finish installing the Flash Player. I don't want to damage the Norton Premier 360 that I have installed on my computer, but I wanted to know if there was something that I do need to do in regard to the Norton allowing the Adobe Flash Player to install, as even Norton shows that there are problems that can be caused by AFP. Thank you.
I downloaded the Adobe Flash from the Adobe Site, Office Max's Jib Jab site, and Smilebox, but nothing worked. I could download, but not install. I will export/backup my Identity Safe Dara. Thank you.
Rebooted your computer, then log in to an administrator account. Then try the Flash install downloaded from Adobe.
I have Norton Premier 360 installed on my Hewlett Packard computer with Windows 7. I tried to download and install Adobe Flash Player because the one that I had had disappeared off of my computer. At first, I couldn't download it because of Smilebox, but I removed Smilebox and the Norton 360 seems to be preventing the Adobe Flash Player from installing. I shut down the Firewall for 15 minutes, but that still did not help. I need the Adobe Flash Player to read my e-cards from friends, but I have tried about 6-8 times, and Norton won't allow me to install the Flash Player. Can you advise me? Thank you.
Hi Viclyn914,
Please refer to the following Adobe Flash Player Help page concerning installation problems. It is very unlikely that Norton is causing the problem. Also, never download Adobe products from any place other than the Adobe website - doing otherwise poses a real danger of accidentally downloading malware disguised as Adobe Flash Player or similar products.
Viclyn914 wrote:The Adobe Flash Player downloaded but wouldn't install and when I tried to find an answer online, the message said that I might need to disable my virus protection to finish installing the Flash Player. I don't want to damage the Norton Premier 360 that I have installed on my computer, but I wanted to know if there was something that I do need to do in regard to the Norton allowing the Adobe Flash Player to install, as even Norton shows that there are problems that can be caused by AFP. Thank you.
To answer your question, by disable my virus protection they mean to turn off the protection during the install procedure. To do that right click on the icon and select "disable anti-virus auto protect" then disable for say 15 minutes.
However, as others have told you, this should not be necessary for Adobe flash player.