Earlier I went on Formspring.com which is a site I have used a billion times before with no problems, however today I go on and automatically my browser turns into one of those fake Virus websites saying I need to scan and update things on my computer. I was able to get out of it and restart my browser and everything seemed fine. I also ran a scan and it told me I had no viruses.
Howveer, now that I restart my computer I'm noticing a few small things. Pages are loading a bit slower, kinda drag when I'm scrolling a page, video playback is messed up...if I put on a video and do things in another window, when I go back to the video it like goes into fast forward mode as if it wasn't still running while I was in the other window, which is extremely annoying. Nothing major but these problems weren't present before this redirect. Anything I can do about this?