Hello there! I would really appreciate if someone out there could help me.
I have just downloaded NIS 2012 (v. and installed it on a Windows XP3 SP3 system. The program is registered and OK, but it displays a wrong message: "system status: at risk." When I click on it, it says: " your virus & anti-spyware definitions are not up-to-date". But the problem is that my definitions are up-to-date!! I say this because on Live Update - Last update: it says that the program was updated some minutes ago.
When I click on the message saying the error , in order to Fix it, it opens Norton Live Update. But it says that the program is already updated (obviously, I had successfully updated the system just some minutes ago). Unfortunately, the "Fix now" box says: "Fix not Completed". So, the annoying red error message on my Norton continues saying that the system is at risk.
How can I solve this error message?
Thanks in advance !!!