I turned on my computer this morning and found the little flag on the bottom right had a red x on it. Clicking on it, i saw Virus Protection (important) and it opened up a window with the message, “Would you like to run this program?”, with the program being WSCStub.exe. What is it, and should i be worried? It looks as if everything is running fine, but Windows is insisting i run this program. Help?
The WSCStub.exe program is a part of Norton, and Windows wanted to run it because the Action Center didn't see any antivirus running on your computer. So that is normal, and nothing to worry about.
[b]Why[/b] your Norton wasnt running (or wasn't seen running by the Action Center at least) is the problem, not the WSCStub.exe message. Sometimes, Windows and your security programs simply doesn't communicate properly. This might be the case here, since you say it seems Norton is running fine.
Anyway, you can safely let the WCSStub.exe run. If that fixes communication with the Action Center and the red X goes away, fine, you don't have to do anything else. If it doesn't go away, come back and we'll investigate further.
Nope, didn’t fix it. Norton says everything’s secure, everything’s turned on… My computer did block a mass-dumping type virus from accidentally clicking on an ad yesterday/day before, would that have maybe triggered this?