.xls files not supported for backup

Having major laptop issues where we almost had to rely on data backup, I became very interested in ensuring my backup was working properly going forward.

Upon checking, I could see that Excel files (.xls) are not backed up, even though I've ticked "financial files" and "Office documents". 

I called Norton today and they confirmed that Microsoft Excel is not a supported file type. This astounds me. This isn't an obscure piece of software, it's extraordinarily common. Something else frustrating is that the person said that they didn't have a list to share of supported/unsupported file types.

Two things:

1) can Norton please make this a supported file type ASAP

2) can Norton please post a list of unsupported file types so I can check if there's anything else common that may not be backed up.

Thanks for your response Guillaume1024.
I've double checked it now. I've gone and ticked everything (again) and it now appears as though it's backing up the .xls
Not sure if I made an error before, or, if it needed me to unclick and click everything.
Also not sure why the person I spoke to at Norton said the .xls was not on the backup list, when your screenshot clearly shows it is.
In any case, I think it's all good now. Thanks for your help.

I'm surprised. The *.xls format is included in the list of saved and supported formats in the "Office Documents" category of the Norton 360 Backup function.

Backup xls.JPGAre you sure of your settings?
