You allowed Bonjour Service to access your network resources

I recently turned the fast startup feature off in Windows 8 to fix an issue and I was going through my recent history and it keeps saying ‘You allowed Bonjour Service to access your network resources’ and then after that there’s another log entry with it saying ‘firewall rules updated’. To test out this I closed all apps and only had Norton open and it was still doing this. I don’t think this is a big problem or anything serious but it’s just cluttering up logs!

Any help would be greatly appreciated
Thanks a lot!

Don't worry about "cluttering" Norton's logs.  Norton monitors all of your network connections (as well as other things) and keeps a record of what it observes for those occasions when a problem may arise that requires some troubleshooting and referral to the logs.

Hello SendOfJive
These logs happen literally minutes apart from each other and I beileve if I look in my task manager it makes my disk spike. Do you beileve that I need to be worried about this or is there a way that I can completely stop it from giving me these logs?

Thanks a lot!

It's normal behavior for Norton.  Nothing to worry about.  Some programs are also known to cause a log entry every few seconds in Norton Protection Tamper Protection.  It can be an annoyance, admittedly.

Hi SendOfJive
Thank you for the reassurance! Should I just leave it to write these logs up if there’s no way of stopping it from doing it?

Thanks a lot!

AudiA1 wrote:
Should I just leave it to write these logs up if there's no way of stopping it from doing it?

Yes, the logging is not user-configurable.

Hi SendOfJive
Thank you for the information I will ignore these messages. But if it starts to slow down my computer by it doing it a lot I will uninstall the program

Thanks a lot!