I have just installed Norton Internet Security 2012 and ran all of the initial scans etc. However I have an alert saying 'your browser is not protected from intrusion attempts' and everytime I click fix it briefly says 'fixing' but then at the summary just says 'not fixed'. I am concerned that my browser is not protected, any advice? (I am using Google Chrome)
I have just installed Norton Internet Security 2012 and ran all of the initial scans etc. However I have an alert saying 'your browser is not protected from intrusion attempts' and everytime I click fix it briefly says 'fixing' but then at the summary just says 'not fixed'. I am concerned that my browser is not protected, any advice? (I am using Google Chrome)
I am getting the same message and I have tried to turn on the Instrusion Protection from the Network settings area and when I hit apply it automatically turns off again.
I'm experiencing the exact same issue. What's interesting is that I purchased two new laptops and installed NIS on both. One has this issue, the other does not.
Have you all run LiveUpdate rebooting as necessary, until no more updates are available?
If the above suggestion didn't work then, Please try a reset in your Internet Explorer and check.
Reset: Close Internet Explorer->Open Run(win key+r) --> type inetcpl.cpl-->Advanced-->click Reset. Let us know how it goes.
Insanity is also being a certified support tech with computer security problems - after spending big bucks on a Norton product that's suppose to prevent this. YA THINK?
If norton is encountering some problems it can be of several reasons. The majority of'em all is due to the environment(Conflicts from other Softwares,Reminants of AV's) and due to the basement(Operating System). We cannot expect a Human to work flawless and the same applies to softwares, after all they are developed by Humans.
If you please let us know what problem/Issue you are facing regarding Norton, it can help us to proceed further.
EDIT: If you just came here only to give comment on my Tag Line...Thanks for your Comment...