Hi Folks, I would like to know if its possible to identify each of my Backups like default and another by giving each 360 Backup a tag name as when looking in the Directory of those created, they all look the same, and it would be helpful to have a tag name like N360_Backup default or N360_Backup photos.
I just checked my Backup folder and the names match what I have in the backup sets.
You cannot manually change them from Windows Explorer. The names should be the same as the names you have given in the Backup Sets section. The link that SoulAsylum posted gives the instructions on how to rename the backup set. Be sure you choose the backup set you want to rename, then click on Rename backup set. Be sure you click on Save Settings.
Then go back to Windows Explorer and see if the name has changed.
I just did this on my system and the name was changed immediately.
Hooray, at least you are seeing my question, my problem is not the actual 360 backup folder but I now have 3 separate backups within that folder all looking identical, I would like to rename each according to their N360 identity. Can this be done?
Sorry I seem to have been misunderstood, I tried the idea but all that did was to change to name within 360-Backup, I'm more concerned about the name in my Computer Folder that just says N360_Backup, no matter how many different types I have created.
Hello @dsc8w In the backup dashboard go to the area named "Rename backup set". This should allow you to name your backups without it just using the defaults built in. Please let us know if this answers and corrects your issue. Thanks.