I purchased norton 360 all-in-one-security from harvey norman on thursday night.
I just installed it 1 hour ago on my Toshiba laptop.
It said it had to reboot to complete the installation and that it should automatically resume the installion after the reboot.
As soon as my laptop rebooted and it was on the user log in screen, first thing I noticed was that my picture was gone.
I logged in, and noticed norton hadnt resumed the installation. So I went into the thumb drive in My Computer and went to run it again as it suggested I might have to do before the laptop rebooted.
I clicked the Start file thats in the norton thumbdrive folder. It came up with the 'Welcome to Norton 360' window.
The window has a list: Install Norton 360 (It does nothing but close the window when i click on it)
Norton Premium Services (does nothing)
Norton Bootable Recovery Tool (does nothing)
Browse contents (takes me back to the thumbdrive browse window)
Exit CD (exits the window obviously)
Problems I've had: System files have been deleted to an extent. Laptop stills runs but norton has even deleted the file that starts system restore.
All my documents and pictures are still there but all the programs that open them has gone.
Program files folders is gone
Program files (x86) folder only has Adobe left in it. Everything else is gone.
So Norton 360, 1) Hasn't even installed
2) Deleted many files
3) Ruined my system restore and other windows files
4) Obviously also got rid of the files associated with WLAN since internet it no longer available. But that wouldn't matter anyway because it has deleted IE and Firefox.
I purchased this product to protect my laptop. It has achieved the opposite. This is the worst damage I've EVER had to any of my computers BY FAR.
I payed money to destroy my laptop.
Help imediately!!