A network issue detected id vulnerability: HNS-WAN-ACCESS

Norton 360 24.9.9452 (build 24.9.9452.875) OS: W11Pro

Warning after a network scan: A network issue detected vulnerability ID: HNS-WAN-ACCESS

I scanned my Router ports on “grc.com” and they are all closed.
With the previous Norton version I had no warning.

Thanks in advance for further info!

fwiw ~
Please post progress

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Update: hoping this helps someone!

I have a fritz Box 7590 and I noticed only now that the open ports were 5060 (needed for VoIP) and 8089. I simply disabled automatic configuration… for the router (see screenshot) and port 8089 is now closed.

Now the network is detected as safe.


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Yes U are Right! …I edit my mistake in previous post!
Anyway …by unchecking the first one, the others are also deactivated automatically.

Thank You

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Hi all,

My Norton 360 was updated tonight and the Smart Scan showed the same vulnerability as well. The previous version didn’t detect this and I have no idea which port is vulnerable. Do I need to install Avast Antivirus just to have the Network Inspector installed?


latest version norton360 have some issues for part of users,but latest version provide nice network inspection scan for vulnerabilities access device,but my region still didn’t have update

Hello @tanghonglai
Since, you’re recent to v24.
Have you reviewed Settings to your preference?
Please run Norton LiveUpdate + Restart (not Shut down) machine.
Please run Quick Scan.
Please run one Full Scan.
Please try Smart Scan, again.
Maybe, power cycle router.
Maybe, refresh your Norton install. [here]

fwiw ~
Avast Network Inspector alert: Device is accessible from the internet

Edit: just noticed region /en-ph/

Avast Network Inspector alert: Device is accessible from the internet

Thanks for your reply. I followed all the steps including power cycling the router and reinstalling Norton, but I still got the same alert. It told me to enable secure VPN and didn’t tell me which port’s opened. I guess Norton somehow uses Avast Network Inspector but disables the result screen?

Finally I figured out how to find open ports using netstat. Here’s a list of program that are in listening status (open) but I don’t think I should disable any of them. So I guess I am okay?

Name Description
System NT Kernel & System
wininit.exe Windows Start-Up Application
services.exe Services and Controller app
lass.exe Local Security Authority Process
svchost.exe Host Process for Windows Services
NortonSvc.exe Norton Services
spoolsvc.exe Spooler SubSystem App
jhi_service.exe Intel® Dynamic Application Loader Host Interface
GoogleDriveFS.exe Google Drive
Dropbox.exe Dropbox