With Microsoft emailing users of Windows live mail 2012 (and before) that the product will soon not work without a patch (and that patch reportedly bricking some machines) and "no support" for it in Windows 10 moving forward (and a suggestion to use the underwhelming / feature lacking "Mail" app) it would be nice if Norton added to it's NIS/NS bundle a Norton branded "as featured as windows live mail" email client / app for Wiindows (especially windows 10)
I do not need "MS Office Outlook" standard of email but I do like the "message rules" and folders that the "outlook express" family of email programs MS offered and are now being killed off. Windows 10 Mail is just far too basic.
A Norton branded email app might well be "sticky" for subscribers especially if it emphasises the attachment & phishing scanning and spam control features (naturally application scanning which already does not scan many types of email account may need some work on)