I think its time that a Well Deserved Salute be given to The Norton Forum Guru's. They are the Unsung heroes that help others on this forum above and beyond their own jobs and families with hardly ever a "Thank you". I wanted to say Thankyou for all the help they have given me as well as everyone else and without them a lot of people would not get the help these tireless group gives, Again Thanks
Hello GORPY1
Thank you for your very nice comments to the Gurus.
Thank you for expressing your feelings about us ... much appreciated.
+1 here. Thanks Guru's!
I could not have learned what I have without the Gurus here.
You are the best.
Thank you Gorpy
I don't think any of us do it for the fame and fortune that comes with the star. And, yes, it is great to hear the words 'thank you' when the user has been helped.
I am still learning and expect to keep learning from others for as long as I'm allowed to play here. Should I be able to pass on some of what I learn the circle will be complete.
Thanks for the thanks!
However we are all in this together and I am well aware that I am often helped by, and learn from, others who do not have the Guru title. So my thanks also to all who come here to help.
I second Andmike's comments. I think the Gurus are fantastic, but the best part is that they're customers just like everyone else. A big thanks to the Gurus, and to everyone else who loves helping others.
Thanks GORPY1!
I am like the others, I am not here for the fame and the fortune (well said Dick, we need to talk to Tony about a raise), the notoriety (that yank don't know squat), the STAR (even if tarnished), the title of GURU (nothing but a polite name for someone who thinks he knows it all and gets it right every once in awhile) and until I get fired (for not playing nicely with others) - I will continue to gladly accept all the Thanks that is bestowed on me, wear my STAR proudly and continue to help others as best I can.
You see I am self-taught. I picked up a lot from other forums and users when I was younger. Now that I am older (OK much older), I feel it is my turn to somehow try to return the assistance that I was afforded in the past.
I think it is also appropriate to extend my thanks to the Norton employees who visit the forums and supply much of the background info that we'd all miss out on if it weren't for their expertise/knowledge.
Also there are users that regualrly reply on the forum, supplying their assistance to others and they are currently where all the Guru's were at one time.
So thanks to all who post.
I'd like to reverse the compliment and say that it's the users that make me want to keep on trying to help ..... sure there are always a few of the "awkward squad" but that's not limited to the users .... <g>
Also I'd add a big Rah Rah for the Norton Staff so many of whom spend what is laughingly called their free time here and are actually involved in conceiving, writing and QCing the programs. Without them this place would be totally different.
So thanks to everyone .....
Thanks, GORPY1.
Thank you so much for acknowledging the Gurus and for your kind words.
As Tony mentioned, we are regular customers just like everyone else and enjoy helping others when we can.
This is a great community because of all the wonderful people like you who participate by bringing up great topics and sharing their knowledge. I know that I learn something new on regular basis from a variety of other members.
In addition to thanking the members, I would be remiss if I did not thank the Forum Administrators, Moderators and Symantec Staff who help keep this an enjoyable and productive community.
I’m glad that you are here on a regular basis, GORPY1. Thank you for your contributions and your enthusiasm!
/me salutes the gurus (no apostrophe FYI). :)
Ah the apostrophe.....
Maybe the point is that he was not praising the people i.e. the GURUS as individuals, but that indefinable essence that is supposed to go with being a guru. Something like "the essence of a guru" - something that belongs to gurus per se. As such this would be - the Norton Forum Guru's.
Do you think that covers the point (or the apostrophe)?
Andmike wrote:Ah the apostrophe.....
Maybe the point is that he was not praising the people i.e. the GURUS as individuals, but that indefinable essence that is supposed to go with being a guru. Something like "the essence of a guru" - something that belongs to gurus per se. As such this would be - the Norton Forum Guru's.
Do you think that covers the point (or the apostrophe)?
That sounds good to me.
Thanks, GORPY1
And well said, Phil and Hugh :-) Teamwork and team spirit rock!