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Issue abstract: Opening the Norton Vault
Detailed description: I’m using Norton on a Windows 10 PC with a Google Chrome browser.
To access the Norton Vault, I click on the Norton Password Manager icon & enter my email address & password. I’m then asked for my Vault password, after which the vault opens.
This always worked fine up until about 2 months ago. Now:
- When I click on the Norton Password Manager icon & enter my email address & password, I usually get ‘spooling’ (the small round circle) & don’t get logged into Norton, so I have to keep retrying until It works
- If I get the prompt for the Vault password, I again often get spooling & have to log out & restart the whole process again until I can get the vault to open
Sometimes it works but more often not 1st time.
Would you please explain why this has recently started happening & how to get it to work correctly every time.
Many thanks & kind regards
Product & version number: Norton 360 Premium
OS details: Windows 10
What is the error message you are seeing? None, I just seeing the spooling icon (small round circle)
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