Activation of Norton Security for Mac not possible (Code 46024)

Hi all!


I try to activate Norton Security on my Mac. After entering the key I get the message, that the product couldn't be activated. "Please try again later (46024)".

I tried again later but I still get the same message.

Does somebody have an idea how I can go forward?




Prompted by Norton's messages on the necessity of securing phones and other appliances working in Apple’s OS I tried to install it on my Macbook Pro. ....a disaster. After installing Norton Security and restarting, my Mac got stuck somewhere half way between nothing and opening. I tried to start in safe-mode to no avail. I then had to check the internet to find articles on how to address this situation. I had to use control alt r buttons and totally renew my HD and all the programs on it with the help of a Time-machine copy. 6 hours later my Mac worked again. But Norton on my Mac, never again… Tom

Thank you for asking.

Meanwhile I found a solution: I uninstalled the Deluxe version and installed the the Standard version. After that it was possible to map my Norton installation to the license key I entered.

Nevertheless, activating the test version was a horror trip which I never experienced before. I was about to uninstall Norton and use other software. You should improve the procedure.


Hi @Michek,

Thanks for reporting in Norton Community Forums. Could you please let us know if you are still facing activation issue?