Add on or start over

If I have 60 days left on subscription and put a new product key in, will it add to my 60 or will it start at 365?

If I have 60 days left on subscription and put a new product key in, will it add to my 60 or will it start at 365?

After the usual non stop pestering I clicked on RENEW NOW so why have I lost the couple of weeks I still had left?

Cannot see how it can be legal

Note Hugh's link to Customer Support above.  If you contact them they will be able to add any remaining days to your current subscription.

AlreadyUsed wrote:

After the usual non stop pestering I clicked on RENEW NOW so why have I lost the couple of weeks I still had left?

Cannot see how it can be legal

I don't know why you lost days unless you used a new KEY from a purchased product a couple of weeks before the subscription expires which we warn users will happen ....

Contact CHAT and ask them nicely since it's a concession they make to add the days back in when you buy a new product instead of renewing with them.


But if you renewed with Norotn on line then all the more reason to contact CHAT since only they have access to the data.