"Additional Apps and Services" banner

Very rude and customer unfriendly. Companies like Iobit have a little sales button or three, leading to another screen within the app, or to the sales web page. It’s still annoying, but it stops you clicking on a button that promises to clean up your PC but takes you to a sales page instead. So it not only blocks it’s own features, but misleads it’s customers and wastes their time, too. It’s a cynical, patronising treatment of their own customers, done with greed and total disregard for their time, like a malicious joke. If these two faults are a sign of the future of Norton products, they will quickly become too annoying to use.

Q: Is Run Smart Scan button regional feature? Funnily after using Norton a few days the Run Smart Scan started showing up. So that appears a no.
Q: Is vertical scroll bar regional feature? As others have commented I am guessing it is a poor implementation of the Norton Crypto. I am guessing they rushed the implementation and it is just a bug, without Crypto content would fit without the need for a scrollbar. 

Obvious solution to me is to give users more control over the UI. Allow us to remove Crypto if we don't want it. Allow us to remove the advertising in a product we have paid for. Have a little app shop button if you must, but a giant permanent banner is just rude. Either way hearing other experiences this is a design flaw/bug of the newest version of the UI, but there is no good bug reporting mechanism that I can see for Norton. Except for dealing with customer service, no thanks.

I have set my launch view to Classic so I can thankfully forget it exists for the most part, so thanks for that tip @bjm_.

We'll try to call attention:  

All "Support" wanted to do was nosey around my computer, for no reason I could see (except for fishing). I had to end the chat session because he wouldn't deal with the problem, but kept insisting on taking control of my pc and pretending I hadn't told him, No, I'm not letting you do that.

Really makes you wonder how seriously Norton take security when their own staff are on fishing expeditions.


We'll try to call attention:  


I have the Norton Crypto banner and am using Windows 11.

This does not feel like a Windows 10 vs 11 issue but what do I know really. Seems more like Norton cramming in issues together in the same area and the overflow has affected the scrolling.

Ahh....so users with Norton Crypto banner are affected.
Okay, OS is not related to no scroll bar issue. 
Norton Crypto banner is causal. 


I have the same issue and support wanted to poke around in my pc to fix it (it's not a fault with my pc, so they were fishing, something that coming from a security software company I find alarming). It's clearly a programming issue with the software and Norton need to fix it. I'm disgusted that the two intrusive adverts top and bottom of that pane are preventing me from using Parental Controls.

Yes, mine looks like this, too. No Scrollbar, so I can't use Parental Controls and the button below that is totally hidden, so I can't use that either.

I'm using Windows 10, same problem.

Ahh....Windows 10, same problem.  Thanks
Did Support say the Norton Crypto banner is causal? 
Did Support say they're aware of "No Scrollbar" issue and working on a fix? 

How to post an image in the forums

I have the Norton Crypto banner and am using Windows 11.

This does not feel like a Windows 10 vs 11 issue but what do I know really. Seems more like Norton cramming in issues together in the same area and the overflow has affected the scrolling.

I'm using Windows 10, same problem.

Yes, mine looks like this, too. No Scrollbar, so I can't use Parental Controls and the button below that is totally hidden, so I can't use that either.

I have the same issue and support wanted to poke around in my pc to fix it (it's not a fault with my pc, so they were fishing, something that coming from a security software company I find alarming). It's clearly a programming issue with the software and Norton need to fix it. I'm disgusted that the two intrusive adverts top and bottom of that pane are preventing me from using Parental Controls.


Windows 10.


Yes I do have a smart scan button exactly as the picture shows.

Note: My Norton [here] does not have Run Smart Scan button nor vertical scroll bar.

  • Norton Crypto is supported on Windows 7 SP1 and later, Windows 8 and Windows 10 

Um, Windows 11? 


Yes I do have a smart scan button exactly as the picture shows.

@xjoex you're Windows 11 and you have Run Smart Scan button same as I have on Windows 10?

But, @tedion Windows 11 does not have Run Smart Scan button? nor vertical scroll bar??
Q: Is Run Smart Scan button regional feature?
Q: Is vertical scroll bar regional feature? 
Does @tedion Norton Crypto banner change My Norton window presentation??


Yes I do have a smart scan button exactly as the picture shows. Norton wastes lots of space here and also in Password Manager which could be used more effectively to spread things out.

Also there is no way to maximize the window and allow for better viewing. Let's hope that a future interface includes more of this spacing and utility.


And I am not sure why the banners are on the right when there are all sorts of room on the left of My Norton?

Yeah....whose idea was it to cram all the bloat on the right.  

Does your Windows 11 -> My Norton have Run Smart Scan button? 
~ if we're taking a survey
I sure don't need prominent Run Smart Scan button. 

and I sure don't need the graphic

And I am not sure why the banners are on the right when there are all sorts of room on the left of My Norton?

I have Windows 11 and there is a scrollbar on the right of My Norton. I do not have any banner for AntiTrack. 

From the picture posted it looks like there is no room to scroll.

We'll need Windows 11 user to comment re scroll bar. 

Thanks for posting pic.  




R U using Ease of Access display settings?
RU using scaling 100% (Recommended)?

R U Windows 11?