Hi all. Using iMac, OS X 10.12.4
After I launch PureVPN, I get several messages from Norton Security, stating that "The computer "xxx" is attempting to access PureVPN on your computer. Do you want to allow this connection?"
Some of the computer names are: "", "", "10ge1-16core1.hkg1.he.net", etc.
What is this???
This is strange as port 0 (Either TCP or UDP) is reserved and should not be used by any application .More info below
I would suggest blocking the relevant connections (since you do not have any issues when you blocked them) and raise a support ticket to PureVPN. They might be able to confirm whether port 0 is used during purevpn launch. You can also perform some troubleshooting by launching wireshark and capturing traffic whilst you launch purevpn
Hi M3gatron. Thanks for the reply.
Here are three snapshots of different ones.
Can you click “Details” next time you get that error message and provide that info as well?
Hi all. Thanks for the responses.
All I can say is that I get these Norton warnings as soon as I launch PureVPN. Before I even select a server (a country?).
I've attached a snapshot of the first message I got this morning when I launched PureVPN. I responded "Block" to this message. There were a total of 54 similar messages that I had to "Block" before being able to select a location...
I'm sorry I don't have the answers to all the questions that were asked...
@M3gatron: I couldn't find any PureVPN logs. Do I expose any of my computer services to the Internet? Don't know...
@Peterweb: PureVPN doesn't report what servers it is connecting to because at that point, it has not even connected to anything: it has just been launched.
@Krusty13: When I look at Norton's Firewall parms, I don't see anything that looks like "trust level"... See the snapshot.
By the way: after I "blocked" those 54 messages, I was then able to select a location that I wanted to connect to with PureVPN.
I used PureVPN on my Win10 machine and didn't have that. I'm not familiar with Macs but can you check Norton's firewall trust level is set to Public while connected to the VPN?
Does PureVpn report what servers it is connecting to and their IP addresses? If those IPs match the ones Norton is detecting, it is probably the VPN servers making the connection to your computer to provide the service you want.
Does this happen when you launch purevpn all the time or when specific features are enabled (i.e. split tunnelling) ? Could you please paste the exact log? Do you expose any of your computer services to the internet?