Allow me to install Lenovo Vantage

Please to not send me replies about why I shouldn’t. I want to install Lenovo Vantage. Norton keeps proudly blocking the installer. I there any solution for an overly zealous norton? Windows 10.

Hello John. Please tell us what your Norton 360 version is. Also what your version and build of Windows 10 is. Knowing this helps us determine the correct information to assist you better.

From what I can read here, Norton is in conflict with this app as it will function in ways it believes to be suspicious. Specifically the feature “Velocity Keeper”. I suspect it believes it to be a malicious app for some reason.

Are you attempting to install from the start menu, from the website using the “Download tool now” radio button? If you have an installer downloaded you can exclude it in Norton settings. Below shows the settings area in the new version 24.xx


Sorry for late reply. OS is
|OS Name|Microsoft Windows 10 Home|
|Version|10.0.19045 Build 19045|

I can’t find a specific build for Norton, but product is Norton 360 and I install all updates. My version looks different, but did find exclusions for my installer. However still failed. Not that important, will wait for now.

Sorry again for my lateness, not sure what happened to earlier replies.

Thanks for the post back. All the research I’ve done points to the Velocity Keeper feature causing your issue. In essence, it is an anti-viral program that is conflicting with your Norton install. We would still like to see one of your Norton history entries to have a better understanding as to why Norton is tagging it.

Here is how to post a screenshot for review:


Exactly which log entry would you like to see? All of the type you allowed firefox to access… All blue types.

I see you marked the thread as solved in post #2. If you are confident you have a solution history screenshots would be an added plus. Just one entry where Norton blocked the install from running.