I can’t figure out how to put in a different Norton product key in the new Android Norton program. Used to be very straight forward but now I can’t find it anywhere.
I do not renew, and rather I buy a new key on Amazon because it is way cheaper than paying to renew. But now I can’t find where to update or change the key in the new Andriod program.
Can anyone tell me how to do it now? I know I can uninstall and then re-install but hoping to avoid that.
There has never been a way to enter a product key into the Android 360 app. You would have to enter the new key into your Norton Account. Then sign out of your Norton Account in the 360 app. More recent versions of 360 would allow you to choose which key to use when signing into your Norton Account from the App.
Instead of reinstalling the app, you can go into Android Settings > Apps > Norton 360 and under Storage, you can delete the App Data. Then restart the device and sign into your Norton Account again to re activate the app.
I have entered a new key several times over the years on my Android phone on the old version of Norton 360. In fact, there are youtube videos showing how to do it. It was simple to do inside of the app by using the menu.
My current subscription has 6 months left on it so I don’t want to activate the new subscription until then. But I will give that a try when the time comes.
I apologize for the incorrect information on the previous versions. I’m an iOS guy and just have an Android device to try to help here.
But I can confirm your finding that the latest version of 360 Android does not have any way to enter a product key that I could find. I tried every link in the app to do with subscriptions or accounts and find no way to add a product key. My subscription is still current and maybe something may crop up if the product is inactive.
I’ll escalate this thread to see if we can get an explanation.
Peter, it has been a month since you escallated it and still no word from Norton on this.
My guess is that they don’t want to make this too easy because it bypasses the auto subscribe which costs me about 6x what I can buy it on Amazon. So if it is hard to do then they are hoping I will pay that premium. Won’t work but might make me re-think if Norton is the right program for me.
You are still not forced to use the automatic renewal. You can still enter a new key at My Norton - Login | Manage, Download or Setup an Account . That will register the key to your Norton Account. Then when you sign into your Account from your mobile device it will pick up the new subscription.
Peter, on a windows PC I can still enter a new serial number:
Click on my name on My Norton which brings up account
Highlight on serial number by moving mouse over it, and select enter a key
I don’t see any way of entering a key manually on the online webpage. I looked and could not figure out a way.
I am not sure how one would direct the Android version to start using the new key? Last time, on the old version, I had to manually input the key. I guess I will have to let it expire and see what if it then automatically picks it up or prompts me to select a different key. It expires in August so it will be a while until I see how it actually will work.
I agree that Norton is not making it easy to process a new key. But I’m just a user like you and have no say in how they want to present things.
As for my escalation. It is going to take a little time for the correct team to get the information. Then they have to triage the information to see if it is a high enough priority to need immediate attention. ie a bug or just a feature request. In this case we are just asking for the feature to be able to add a product key is probably not a very high priority. Especially if this was a deliberate decision of the design team. And we generally do not get any feedback on these escalations. So we just have to wait and see. Maybe we will see some change by the time your current subscription expires.