Annoying Norton Pop-Up Asking to Install Browser Extension

Every single day, Norton SPAMs me with an annoying notification to install their web extension. There is seemingly no way for me to turn it off.

I'm not paying Norton to increase my unwanted SPAM notifications. Is there a way for me to turn this off? My only option is to cancel my Norton membership and uninstall all Norton products, which I'm frankly going to do if there's no solution here.

See this thread where a Norton employee has replied to this issue.


Hi, I have the same problem. I have chosen the extensions that I like. I don't want to install Norton home page. But this window keeps popping out. It behaves like virus honestly.

I have the same problem!! I've subscribed to Norton for many years now and haven't had a problem with this until now. I only want to install the site checker extension because i don't want Norton to take over my search bar, home page, or save my passwords. But it seems like this pop-up is trying to get me to install all of the extensions. It's annoying as hell for this thing to keep popping up. I already installed what i want now leave me alone!!!


That is not the case. I have gone to the webpage multiple times and yet I continue to receive these SPAM alerts every single day. In fact, I just received another one two minutes ago!

This is unbelievably frustrating.

It is not spam, as the notification is simply prompting you to make a choice about enabling components that are already part of the Norton Security.program you have installed.  If you click on the notification, you will be taken to a web page where you have the option to enable any of four Norton extensions.  You can simply close out the page if you don't want to install them and you should not receive another prompt, at least until the next product update.