You should be able to remove the payment information yourself. Log into your Norton Account and hover your cursor over the user icon at the top right and click on Account Settings. Click on the Billing Information tab and clear all fields. Be sure you save the information.
To get the refund you can try the chat option here. As soon as you can enter information into the chat session enter "agent please" to get out of the chat bot and get connected to a human.
Over the past couple of years, we have asked for our card details to be removed as we didn't want auto-renewal to occur. Happened yet again a couple of days ago. I see they have since put in an option to cancel auto-renewal, which I was unaware of. $154 is twice what we can currently buy the same product for at Officeworks. Norton took the auto-renewal out of the wrong account because we couldn't remove card details. It is so much hassle to get a refund because we want to go buy it for half the price and, as it came out of the wrong account, it has stuffed up payments to other bodies. Does anyone know a contact number in Australia where I can get this sorted? The website just keeps going around in circles with no end in sight.
Yes, I agree; that is what I do each year but am tired of it. Norton should remodel their marketing strategy and help "loyal" subscribers out for staying with them. At least that is what I remember companies did in the past. If they continue treating "loyal" subscribers as desperate useful fools, they will go down the tube as many of their kind do. I don't mind paying more but there is a limit to my minding, so to speak.
Several friends and relatives use MS Defender and/or Sophos with great results, so that may be a viable alternative. I like Norton for many reasons, but there is limit to my liking, so to speak. I will most likely buy a new Norton 360, 5-devices package from Amazon or eBay, then go through the farcical shopping again. Maybe I'm just an old capitalist at heart, as opposed to the collectivist strategy of the "WOKE' cooperations of today.
"At least Norton does let us cancel auto renewal and purchase a new subscription key for less each year." Huh? I have yet to see this, explain please...... I am tired of the rip-off and am looking for an alternative. The problem is I have used Norton for many years and hope they change their marketing ways.
Once you activate a Norton subscription, log into your Norton Account and hover your cursor over the user icon at the top right and click on Manage My Subscriptions. Find your current subscription and on the right hand side is a setting to turn off Automatic Renewal. Then you are free to shop around at reputable retailers for the best price. Then at the expiry of your old subscription, you enter the new product key into your 360 product.
"At least Norton does let us cancel auto renewal and purchase a new subscription key for less each year." Huh? I have yet to see this, explain please...... I am tired of the rip-off and am looking for an alternative. The problem is I have used Norton for many years and hope they change their marketing ways.
Unfortunately, this is a pricing method used by many/most subscription based services. A 'new' customer gets a discounted price to entice them to the service. Then the subsequent subscriptions renew at the then current retail price. With most of those services you are required to have used another service for at least 6 months before being considered a new customer again to get the discounted price. At least Norton does let us cancel auto renewal and purchase a new subscription key for less each year.
I guess the other question is why do we as consumers continue to do this year after year.
Maybe the answer is that other products are also flawed in this respect of renewing also and so we put up with what we know how to do with Norton and get on with the next year.