Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.
Its Nortons telling me.
I get the same problem too! I didn’t when I had just Vista, but last night I installed Vista SP1 and ever since then it say’s, “You have turned off your Anitspyware, Antivirus and Firewall” when I turn on my computer even though I haven’t! It says “Secure” and everything! I got all the latest updates through LiveUpdate before I installed SP1. So I have no idea what’s going on!
hi boring - any chance of getting a screen shot?
you can upload one after creating a free account at photobucket.com.
Hi - I have exactly the same problem.
I can't be 100% sure but I think it may have started after installing XP SP3. I know also that SP3 has caused some problems with NAV but I think they were other problems and I've run the reg cleaner app which makes no difference.
Everything seems to be OK but it's a little disconcerting to get the message, appartently from Norton, as it makes you unsure as to whether some sort of virus is at work.
I have a screen shot but can't work out how to upload it!
Robr wrote:
I have a screen shot but can't work out how to upload it!
Hi Robr,
We don't host any images as part of the forum, however you can insert images into your posts. First you must upload your screenshot to any of the free image hosting services such as photobucket.com, imageshack, flickr, etc.... Once you have the URL for the uploaded image, use the image tool on the toolbar while you are making your post here (it looks like a tree and is just to the right of the 'chain link' or 3rd to the right from the smilie tool.)
Hope that helps.
Thanks - I did see that but realised I'd need to host the photo somewhere which kind of stumped me. I didn't think of the free photo hosting sites.
I find it hard to take a screen shot as it happens so quickly. It falshes up and then goes down more of less straight away.
Could someone explain to me what “Anit Virus” is.
Floating_Red wrote:
Could someone explain to me what "Anit Virus" is.
I suggest liberal application of imagination and contextual cogitation ....
Before this thread gets too far off topic........
Robr did you ever get your screenshot uploaded? Anyone else have a screenshot?
I don't think we have really gotten the original question answered yet....
Floating_Red wrote:
Could someone explain to me what "Anit Virus" is.I would call it a typo.... fixed it in the first post...
I am no expert but am no longer having this same problem…here is what I did 1. Temporarily disable the WMI service (Windows Management Instrumentation) in: Start ->Run -> type: services.msc and in there find and stop WMI
2. Next delete the C:\windows\system32\wbem\repository folder, wait for it to recreate (it can take a bit of time.)
3. Restart the WMI service & restart the computer
Allen - sorry I haven't had time yet but to be honest it really isn't that interesting or helpfull. It's just the standard grey, white and yellow Norton Internet security 2008 pop-up box that pops up in the bottom right hand corner from time to time when the program wants to communicate something and it simply says "You have turned off your Antivirus and Firewall". It happens at start-up only and dissappears after 10 or 20 seconds. An immediate inspection of Norton shows that it is running (or at least it says it is i.e. everything is green).
I can organise an upload if it really helps but you'll see it's just as described above.
teey7 - Thanks for the suggestion but unfortunately it didn't work for me.
This is exactly what I receive and just for the record I am running XP if that is a problem. The suggestion did not help me either, thanks anyway.
OK - here is a Screenshot of the offending pop-up:
<Link now removed - 22/8/08>
Not that informative really!
Has anybody here ran Symantec security check? You'll be surprised with the results, do it and see it for yourself, Norton can't even recognize that you have Norton internet security installed in your computer.
That makes me think, are we really protected as they claim we are when we buy their products, or they want to sell us the same product back again?
I must say that they really tried to help me with this annoying issue we are all having here, 2 or 3, so called, "technicians", contacted me by email, with a lot of solutions that never worked no matter how many times I've tried.
Last contact I had with them was about 3 months ago when they asked if I could send them a screenshot of the problem I was having, I did do even better, I sent them a clip of the start up processes showing them those annoying pop up messages, since then no reply, but I don't really care anymore, I have no intentions to renew my subscription.
Why pay for something that you don't really know exists? Better get one of the free security available on the net that will do the same job for free.
The security check is available at http://security.symantec.com/sscv6/?langid=ie&venid=sym
Good luck all,
P.S. The problem is not with XP, Vista in any version, it's with Norton.
When this first happened to me I was assured by tech support that I was “SAFE IN THE HANDS OF NORTON”. I Iinstalled Kaspersky internet security instead and STILL got the windows security center notification of no antivirus found. The kaspersky forum is where I was told about the above procedure. The above mentioned procedure got rid of windows security center notifications but what concerns me is the symantec security check says I dont have antivirus installed. I too used to get the norton box along with the windows box but now I don
t get either. http://forum.kaspersky.com/index.php?showtopic=72164
I just noticed a variation. Sometimes when I log on I get two separate pop-ups, one after the other i.e. this:
<Link now removed - 22/8/08>
closely followed by this:
<Link now removed - 22/8/08>
Which kind of amounts to the same thing
I usually get the two separate pop-ups after a complete reboot where as the simple combined message shown in my previous post usually pops up if I'm just logging in to a different account on an already booted system.
I mostly get these but also get the other. Tonight I have run a free McAfee scan on my pc and no viruses come up. It looks like I will have to change from Nortons in future. I dont want my pc compromised.
I too receive the same pop ups at start up. About a week ago a third box stated virus definitions were out of date - which are not. The pop ups started right after installing Vista sp1. Windows security center also stopped seeing Norton and says I have no anti virus installed. After running the security check and being told by Norton that I have no anti virus I am starting to wonder.
Tech support has given me the same canned advise as was given to the other posters with no solution or answer.