Antispam integration

What happened to the Client integration option in the Antispam? I just reinstalled NIS 2010 after several months of using another product and the Antispam works on my desktop machine but not the laptop. When was the integration option removed?

Ok, I fixed it myself. I exported the registry entries for Norton AntiSpam from the Outlook addins section from the desktop machine to the laptop. There needs to be an easier way to do this.




Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"FriendlyName"="Norton AntiSpam Outlook Plugin"
"Description"="Norton AntiSpam Outlook Plugin"

What was the previous AV / AntiSpam that you mentioned in the first post?

After reading my first post again I see that it was not detailed enough. What I was looking for was in the options where I know there used to be a checkbox option to integrate with Outlook and other clients. The other AV was KIS 2010. I didn't know if I should name competitors but since it was asked... I don't think that was the cause of the issue however. I am assuming what happened is that when I had Norton installed a few months ago I must have disabled inegration with Outlook and the setting probably stuck and now there appears to be no graphical way to restore it. In any case the problem is solved now.

The option is Client Intergration in the Network Settings > AntiSpam.  The reason you did not have it happen automatically is that

a) you had AntiSpam turned off thus Norton will not try and intergrate with any email clients




b) KIS2010 had left the same settings in the registry and you over-wrote them.  If you did not use the Kaspersky Removal Tool to clean your system when you removed KIS2010, there are possibly many settings left over from KIS2010 on your system.  The tool is available from here.

What happened to the Client integration option in the Antispam? I just reinstalled NIS 2010 after several months of using another product and the Antispam works on my desktop machine but not the laptop. When was the integration option removed?