My Norton AntiVirus doesn't seem to scan all of the D partition anymore. It scans 227 elements. The results say that there is one "cleared" element and 186 elements skipped. The D partition has 1,76 GB free out of 14,3 GB.
I've tried re-downloading Norton AntiVirus, and then again with Norton Remove and Reinstall. I also tried using Norton Power Eraser, and I've tried reverting the computer to a previous state.
The computer seems to work the way it used to. What should I do? Has anyone had a similar experience?
Norton uses smart algorithms for determining what needs to be scanned. If a file has been scanned before withing a certain amount of time, and been determined to be known and safe, it won’t be scanned again next time.
Did you create the D: partition or is it the hidden recovery partition that most computers come with now instead of restore to factory condition disks ?
It think that would be a hidden recovery partition.
Depending on your setting in Windows Explorer, you might not see the hidden partition, but Norton would have access to it when scanning the full system.
But I was thinking of what are usually referred to as hidden partitions such as those on HP (and other) PCs which when queried HP said were "semi-hidden) <s> But they do get Drive Letter D: ex factory.
The reason I made that comment in the first place Hugh is because generally once inside windows you need a visible partition with a drive letter in order to access it.
See for yourself on a windows 7 system that has a hidden system reserved partition. Norton will not be able to access or scan the files on it because it is hidden. The OP's question was in regard to the number of files that Norton is scanning on the D drive. That makes it a visible "non-hidden" partition since it has a letter, is visible in "Computer" and Norton can scan it. If it really was a hidden partition Norton woould not be able to scan it and there would be no place for you to even try to start a manual scan since it does not show in "my computer" or Nortons list of drives to scan.
btw- the acronis topic you linked to is cased by the person incorrectly restoring images. The HP topic is for a "recovery" partition, it's access may be blocked by changing the disk type to eisa but it's still a visable partition. The fact that the OP wants to use the drive letter and sees it in "my computer" confirms that.
Since I think you have some connection with HP I will point out that the "expert" there is wrong with his advice. the drive letter for the recovery partition can be changed without "breaking" anything. The recovery depends on the partition location and not the drive letter for the simple fact that drive letters only exist inside the currently booted version of windows and using the <F11> recovery all happens outside of windows.
I based my comment on what computer makers say about their own products (not just the one I pointed to) and on problems coming up in Forums over the years.
I didn't regard "seeing hidden partitions" as an illogical statement because Windows Explorer has a setting to show hidden system files ..... <s>
I guess it's a semi-hidden partition, since I can see it in "My Computer", but I can't access the contents of the "Recovery" part, and only two files are visible apart from that: HP_WSD.dat and msdia80.dll.