Application webcam access nag

I set Norton 360 to block webcam access to my Edge, Chrome and Firefox browsers.  However, everytime I start one of the browsers, Norton tells me it wants access to the webcam.  First, why is my browser needing webcam access? I have nothing running on any of them that uses webcam.  Second, if I told Norton to block webcam access to these browser, why does it keep notifying me everytime I start the browsers?  I hope there is a simple solution to this because it is annoying and aggravating!  I've included a screenshot.

Your image of the warning.

safe cam message.jpgNext time you see this message, hover your cursor over the 'X' to see if that brings up a 'Do not ask again' message. If it does, click on that.

By default, Norton does provide these information messages for items it has detected, and for features that have run, such as the Backup, or maintenance tasks. You could try disabling all Norton Task Notifications in Norton Settings > Administrative Settings, and scroll down to Norton Task Notifications. Turn that setting off and you should not see this kind of message.


Apparently I wasn't clear. I set Norton to block all access for all of my browsers so that they would not use my webcam. One would think that would be that and nothing else would need to be done. My point is that the notification says in big letters "ATTENTION REQUIRED" and it is telling me that MS Edge was denied access to my webcam. Note I already configured Norton to NOT allow access. I don't need any more notifications whether it's trying to access it or not - I blocked it and it should be done at that wouldn't you agree?  The only things available to the user is to look at the details (I already know the details)  or.... to "change settings".... I don't need to change my settings. I already configured my settings. What I am trying to say is - the notification is redundant, it is annoying and it is consistently so.  There is no need to tell the customer that webcam access was attempted since it was already known that the applications were attempting to access but I already configured Norton to block it for me and not keep telling me the same thing over and over. So pleaswe understand that your last response was possibly without understanding the whole banana.  Thank you again for your help.

Your image does not show Norton asking for access to the camera. It is just a notification that Norton had blocked access.

The Windows Privacy settings for the camera, block access at the OS level.

To Norton Staff... please add this to your considerations for updates/fixes in coming versions.  An acknowledgement of this issue and that you will indeed pass this along will go a long way with my customer satisfaction.  Thank you.

@peterweb.  Thank you for helping me fix the issue but I still don't understand why Norton, after setting the browsers to block webcam access kept asking me if I wanted to grant them access?  It doesn't make sense to me if set something to be blocked to continually ask me to give access.  It also shows me that this feature in Norton doesn't meet expectations to do what it is told to do.  I did what you suggested and I no longer get the Norton nags, but I also don't have trust in Microsoft's ability to truly block access to all of my apps.  Their interface is sketchy and incomplete as well and doesn't permit granular blocking.  All that said, I am paying for Norton to do this well and it isn't.  So now I have a feature in my Norton I can't use.  frown

Try using Windows Settings to block camera access to apps. Then reverse the settings you made in Safe Cam and test.