Arestore.exe only?



I have a back up that I need to access in a portable drive.


The PC which created the back up is dead (Boot HD failure). My only other laptop has already another Symantec Product which I cannot unistall. So I can't install N360 and pull the file out like many of the posts in the board show.


Is there a way to get this exe file only?


A tip for the next product: please make put the utility with the backup so that its "self extracting"  :(

Thanks but removing Symantec Endpoint Protection is not an option as it is a work laptop and I would get crucified by the IT at work.


The solution I'm looking for is "simple" can this executable and the loc file be downloaded on it's own?



I have a back up that I need to access in a portable drive.


The PC which created the back up is dead (Boot HD failure). My only other laptop has already another Symantec Product which I cannot unistall. So I can't install N360 and pull the file out like many of the posts in the board show.


Is there a way to get this exe file only?


A tip for the next product: please make put the utility with the backup so that its "self extracting"  :(

xareu wrote:

Thanks but removing Symantec Endpoint Protection is not an option as it is a work laptop and I would get crucified by the IT at work.


The solution I'm looking for is "simple" can this executable and the loc file be downloaded on it's own?

Download Norton 360 V4$ from this link and install on a PC and then you can get the file from that PC.



Norton 360 v4 Standard: