I have a back up that I need to access in a portable drive.
The PC which created the back up is dead (Boot HD failure). My only other laptop has already another Symantec Product which I cannot unistall. So I can't install N360 and pull the file out like many of the posts in the board show.
Is there a way to get this exe file only?
A tip for the next product: please make put the utility with the backup so that its "self extracting" :(
I have a back up that I need to access in a portable drive.
The PC which created the back up is dead (Boot HD failure). My only other laptop has already another Symantec Product which I cannot unistall. So I can't install N360 and pull the file out like many of the posts in the board show.
Is there a way to get this exe file only?
A tip for the next product: please make put the utility with the backup so that its "self extracting" :(