I can create logins for websites but how do I create one and associate it to an app? For example Amazon app login, I get the idsafe icon and when i tap it I am asked if I want identity safe to fill in the data but then nothing happens i suspect because it has no login info to enter. Entering the data manually in the amazon app does not cause identity safe to create a vault entry either.
What other apps are you still having trouble with? It is not all apps that it will work with. Norton has to set the up each individual app to work with ID Safe.
Here is a link to an older post with a list of the apps that are currently supported by ID Safe. https://community.norton.com/en/comment/7536171#comment-7536171
I have not seen any newer list.
Interesting approach. It did work for the Amazon app. Using the same process with other apps has resulted in about a 50% success rate. That's a good start. It seems like the android implementation would be a little more straight forward than trying to trick the software to do what it should. I never had this type of issue using Lastpass but I was looking for an alternative app because Norton Family does not monitor the Lastpass browser.
This is already being answered in your other thread here. https://community.norton.com/en/comment/7707501#comment-7707501
If you use your browser to access the Amazon web site, do you get a login? If you do not already have a login for the Amazon web site, maybe visiting once will save the login that should work for your app???
I verified the AutoSave Logins was checked. I also tried unchecking it and rechecking it each time logging into amazon. Still no saved login. Is there no way to create a login for apps other than on the fly as each app is used?
Check your ID Safe Settings - Vault and scroll down to Auto-Save logins. Be sure that is checked and try to log into the Amazon app again. Hopefully that will save the login and you will be able to get logged into the app.