Autofilling login and password

I have NIS on a Windows 8.1 laptop, and ever since moving from IE10 to IE11 I have noticed this strange effect when Identity Safe autofills my login details for (old Hotmail):

When the login page comes up in my browser, it shows an example of a login name ("")in the login box, and it also has the word "Password" in the password box.

With IE10 (and earlier versions of the browser), if the Identity Safe Vault is open, it replaces ""with the relevant login id, and it replaces "Password" with the relevant password (shown as a row of dots) - which is what you would expect.

However, in IE11, it writes the login id over the top of, and it writes the password row of dots over the top of "Password", making it all very difficult to read.

Has anyone else noticed this, and does anyone have any ideas whether this is an NIS problem or an IE11 problem?


By the way, this strange behaviour also happens in Windows 7 with IE11, so it seems to be related to the interaction of NIS and IE11.