Automatic download prompt?

Hello. This morning while I was checking the internet, there was some kind of pop-up that came up that looked like a message right before you download something (asking if you want to open, save or cancel.) It appeared to be some kind of ad or something. I don't know. I barely saw it. Anyway, I seleted cancel and it left. This only happened once. I hadn't seen anything like this before, but I wasn't looking anything up out of the ordinary. Is this anything serious? Could this be evidence of an infection or something? If it was serious, would Norton detect it? Thanks.  

Hi Caleb,


Norton would detect most things serious, but for peace of mind, you could download Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Free Scanner. Download the Free version and deny the trial offer. Keep on your desktop as a second opinion scanner if you suspect anything. Keep it updated every couple of days and run a scan once a week or if/when you suspect something out of the ordinary.




Malwarebytes Free Scanner

Thanks for getting back to me.


One thing I forgot to mention is the incident happened when I was getting onto I haven't had any real problems on this site (other than some compatibility issues with the browser), but I think there may have been some moments where Internet Explorer blocked some things from the site. Could they be connected? Thanks.