My Norton 360 is checked for automatic live update and usually it appeared as installed in the Recent History list until three days ago. I check it daily and haven't seen it since. I find no other problems (if it is one) and all else seems fine and dandy.
Many thanks again bjm_ and peterweb.
Remove and Reinstall took me to "restart to install" and it disappeared altogether after restart.
FYI The Remove and Reinstall tool will not start up automatically unless you are signed into a Windows Admin account. If using a Standard user account, you need to start the install process manually.
Well, with Norton Remove and Reinstall process after machine restart...there is (may be) a noticeable lag before Norton presents reinstall progress. Microsoft Defender may have started in the background loading down your resources.
My preference is Remove Only. After machine restart. Microsoft Defender updates and scans. Then at my convenience after Microsoft Defender settles down & I've cleared out Norton leftovers. I'll pull fresh Norton from my Norton account.
You may need to run LiveUpdate and reboot a few times before your product is completely updated to the latest version.
Regards w Respect
Thank you bjm_ and peterweb
I have resolved it by a fresh download of Norton 360 which has linked up with my account. Live update now shows in the lists for Live Update and Recent History.
Complete nightmare reinstalling Norton. Remove and Reinstall took me to "restart to install" and it disappeared altogether after restart. I had no Norton for quite a time while I played around. I tried Remove and Reinstall again and was informed it didn't recognise that I had any Norton. Eventually I tried uninstall completely and started from new install. During this I realised I had a broadband drop out and had to wailt for it to revive. Got there in the end.
Maybe, it's Smart Scan that's not reported in History?
Smart Scan is reported as Quick Scan
OK. I'll crawl back in my hole now.
Thanks for testing.
as test: manual Run QuickScan
Maybe I was thinking of Quick Scans not recording manual runs???
Thanks for that peterweb.
All a bit mysterious.
Even the Live Updates that I manually download as explained in my last post don't appear in the Live Update list.
IIRC the manual LiveUpdates do not show up in the Norton History. No idea why not.
Thank you bjm_
I ran Norton Autofix twice and it lingered on Live update each time like all the other items it checked and the result was "We did not find any issues with Norton 360". I'll wait and see what happens and if necessary consider remove and reinstall.
fwiw ~
Run Norton Autofix to detect and repair common problems
Even the Live Updates that I manually download as explained in my last post don't appear in the Live Update list. It just seems to be the Live Updates that are missing. I can always check manually if automatic doesn't record it which will download any Live Update there successfully ( so it tells me.) Since 11th October 2023 they don't appear in either Live Update or Recent History lists whereas before that date I saw them in the list daily.
My Norton Diagnostic Report on the Norton interface shows all green (tick). The Network Connectivity list in the Report shows Norton Live Update server as "reachable". . Performance on the interface tells me that my computer is tuned up.
Depending on what activity is running on your system, you may have to scroll down quite a way before seeing the LiveUpdate entries.
When checking History, click on the dropdown box where you see Recent History and scroll down to LiveUpdate. See if there are any entries there.
This is what I don't seem to get any more but Norton tells me everything is fine. I don't use Fast Startup as far as I know. I have restarted the machine a few times since. I don't have any information about pending updates. I have allowed idle time but switch off fairly regularly. I did download updates manually a couple of times when I noticed the glitch (if it is)- got 1 each time as far as I remember successfully but they didn't appear either in Recent Activity.
In deference to those that think Fast Startup is not related to anything Norton.
I'll simply ask out of personal curiosity =
Do you run Fast Startup on or off?
Have you restarted machine in last few days?
Do you have pending Windows Updates from last few days?
Have you allowed machine idle time?
Just curious: