Automatic Live Update Not Working - NAV 2013 V20.2.0.19

This week I updated from NAV2011 to NAV 2013 Version


I've noticed that following a full system reboot, it can take 30 minutes or more before Live Update begins to finally retrieve its various updates automatically (pulse updates, etc.).  I've also been noticing that even following a resumption from hibernation/sleep mode, Automatic Live Update does not retrieve updates in a timely manner....sometimes taking 20 minutes or more before the first Automatic Update happens, sometimes even longer.


Running Live Update manually always works fine, and it seems I have to run Live Update manually several times following a full system reboot before Automatic Live Update begins to finally initiate, or "kick-in", so-to-speak, and retrieve updates in a timely fashion automatically (i.e., within 10 minutes).


Is anybody else experiencing long periods of time in which Automatic Live Update doesn't initiate/work in a timely fashion following full system reboots and/or following resumption from hibernation/sleep modes??