b.exe and trojandownloader remaining on computer

I think i just got hit with this same problem. last night i was checking my email and this pdf file tries to open and then a song track starts to play out of my speakers. i closed the pop up windows that resulted and ran my norton and spybot programs but nothing came back so i just closed my computer and went to bed. today my computer is acting really slow and firefox is haviing issues trying to start up.

I should say that spybot keeps blocking b.exe from running because i wont allow the "value change ". i read some other posts on this issue and found the a.exe b.exe and c.exe files in my temp folder. i deleted them and emptyed the trash but b.exe  and 2 other files remained. i have downloaded HJT and posted the log result blow. also i ahve downloaded and installed Malware bytes and it isscanning my C (local dick) D (partiation) and E (stroage drive) drive currently.  


im not sure what else to do... can you please give me some advice?




[edit: Changed subject for clarity.]

Message Edited by shannons on 08-09-2009 03:05 PM