every once in awhile this replaces my usual search engine..Can't find an uninstaller help..using Chrome?
tomdy2k wrote:every once in awhile this replaces my usual search engine..Can't find an uninstaller help..using Chrome?
Grab IOBit Uninstaller and run it in safe mode, it shows more entries in the Add\Remove applet than Windows does. I would also uninstall Chrome and once you have that junk gone, it would be safe to reinstall it.
https://www.google.com/search?q=remove+babylon+from+chrome&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:unofficial&client=firefox-a might help also.
thank you!!!1
tomdy2k wrote:thank you!!!1
You are welcome!
BabylonLTD wrote:
Dear tomdy2k
Babylon Offers a full service for all its products and features valid from the Babylon Store and on the world wide web
You can gain a full support and assistance on how to remove Babylon from your computer by the following ways :
Phone-18668086361 (US)
Email: Support@babylon.com
Website for Chat and Q& A :
Babylon holds more than 150 Million Clients worldwide, with reputation for 15 Years, Babylon has no intention to destroy that reputation and therefor offers help and assistance for anyone who seeks for ,
In order to make sure the Software will work or be removed if the client requires it ,feel free to contact us
Thank you in Advanced
This has gotta be a first.. An adware company offering support to end users!?!?!?!