Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.
Someone please help me...
I've seen in several other messages you guys ask for System Packs or something like that and I just don't know what that is. Everything to do with computers is just so complicated and I'd like something that the average person can understand.....
Does Norton give you a name?
And can you locate the file?
Not a problem. Here's something rather easy: Backdoor.Trojan removal instructions
Every step listed at the top has detailed instructions listed below it. I recommend that you print these out and perform them exactly as written to ensure your system is clean of this malware.
Here's how to find out your system information and Norton product version, in case you need it:
Right-click My Computer on your desktop, and click "Properties".
A window will appear; click the General Tab (usually selected by default).
Tell is all the information under "System". This will tell us the operating system and service pack.
Now open your Norton Internet Security product, and in the upper right corner click Help & Support (or Help, depending on the product)
On the window that pops up, click "About". Here is where we find the version. Please let us know the exact version of the product (like Norton Internet Security or some other set of numbers similar to this).
Please let us know when this has been resolved. Thanks!
I have the same issue I have version but also I have bloodhound.e virus or whatever!!
when I am trying to move the files into quaratine it says..
--The files have been moved or deleted
--The computer they are located on is off
--You are trying to clean files located in an email message
--You are trying to clean a compressed file in a computer
JHolla006 wrote:
I have the same issue I have version but also I have bloodhound.e virus or whatever!!
If you've attempted the removal instructions, but are unable to remove the malware, I would recommend that you follow the steps listed in the How To Troubleshoot a Suspected Malware Infection announcement. This is a more advanced list of steps for removing malware from your system. Thanks!
Thank you Tony and everyone else for the response, but my problem is not yet gone. After Tony's help with getting my information I'll now give you a complete description of my products.
NIS 2006
Microsoft Windows XP
Service Pack 2
Norton Internet Security
As to the Backdoor.Trojan removal instructions you gave me, Tony, I am stuck on step number 4. I followed everything else exactly.
I disabled Windows Restore and I ran a full system scan, after making sure my product was set to scan all files. The same problem happened where I could not remove the virus. I ran my computer in safe mode and was able to do the following :
... again the virus could not be removed and it took me to my Quarantined files. I found out what file was being infected by the the virus. I wrote that down and returned to normal mode on my computer. I continued using the instructions and went to step 4. I had no problem opening the registry editor, but after navigating to all of the listed subkeys, I could not find the file that Norton listed was infected. I'm not sure if this means to continue to the next step or not so I came back to you. I ran another full system scan and the problem has not changed at all... Please help!
I did all the steps you advised and still It willnot allow me to delete the trogan brojack
First I can only view the infected files in my risk folder .. and when I try to move the files into quarantine it is giving me the pop up menu as i noted above..
I went through the registry as you noted trying to find suspicious files, but i'm not quite sure what a suspicious file may look like.. please give me an example:
I clicked on the the virus and it sent me to the description of the virus and how to remove it.. I followed the same steps and I cant find anything ....
Then i downloaded microsoft version of spyware jus to make sure I wasnt going crazy and did a full scan .. and it cant even find the virus at all saying my computer is fine.. when I'm looking at the virus in norton in my risk history... the action says that the files have been cleaned by deletion... so ummmm does that mean the virus is totally gone.. i am soo confused????????????
What i feel is that once virus has done its work, it cannot be reverted by any antivirus. This trojan problem u face is cetainly curable unless it is detected on a cd/dvd. In the norton details of history, checkout the file name which is infected (with its path), boot into safe mode and delete the file. again run full system scan which SHOULD delete the infected registry entries. If that doesnt help, download that particular virus removal tool from symantec
I would suggest booting in to Safe Mode and Running a Full System.
Before you do this:
- Update your Product via LiveUpdate.
- Check all the boxes are checked under Manual Scanning in N.I.S. Options, which can be found under the sub-heading, Settings.
Does anyone has any idea why It is not allowing me to run Norton while I'm in safe mode??????????
This is beginning to become frustrating!!!!!!
And why cant I move the virus's into qurantine, but allows me to view all the virus's in Risk history...
does that mean the virus has been deleted.. b/c it does say files cleaned by deletion in the action bar..
when I am trying to move the files into quaratine it says..
--The files have been moved or deleted
--The computer they are located on is off
--You are trying to clean files located in an email message
--You are trying to clean a compressed file in a computer
Thank you for the advice, but I've already done that stated in my other reply to Tony Weis. I was hoping if anyone could tell me why I cannot find the file that Norton tells me is infected. Please help!
It sounds as though there actually is no problem and the product has already detected/deleted the aforementioned piece of malware. If a full system scan returns no hits, and you are seeing the file location, detection name, "cleaned by deletion" result, you should be in the clear.
Quarantine is the location to which files are moved if there are no known methods of "repair" available. Most repairs, particularly for Trojans, simply involves deleting, and that's what the action you reference "cleaned by deletion" has accomplished. With respect to edits to the registry, either the product caught the Trojan before it executed, and therefore prevented any registry edits, or the product already deleted the associated entries.
If you use Windows Explorer and browse to the location which the risk history references as the origin of the file, does that file exist? Again, based on the information you've provided, I would expect the answer to be no. Hopefully this information will alleviate any concerns you might have that you're still infected, since it does certainly seem as though the Trojan has been cleaned from your system.
bewell wrote:It sounds as though there actually is no problem and the product has already detected/deleted the aforementioned piece of malware. If a full system scan returns no hits, and you are seeing the file location, detection name, "cleaned by deletion" result, you should be in the clear.
Quarantine is the location to which files are moved if there are no known methods of "repair" available. Most repairs, particularly for Trojans, simply involves deleting, and that's what the action you reference "cleaned by deletion" has accomplished. With respect to edits to the registry, either the product caught the Trojan before it executed, and therefore prevented any registry edits, or the product already deleted the associated entries.
If you use Windows Explorer and browse to the location which the risk history references as the origin of the file, does that file exist? Again, based on the information you've provided, I would expect the answer to be no. Hopefully this information will alleviate any concerns you might have that you're still infected, since it does certainly seem as though the Trojan has been cleaned from your system.
This could very well be true.
But to be sure let's try something else.
Please download Norton Antibot from here.
let's see if this can find something
JHolla006 wrote:Does anyone has any idea why It is not allowing me to run Norton while I'm in safe mode??????????
This is beginning to become frustrating!!!!!!
And why cant I move the virus's into qurantine, but allows me to view all the virus's in Risk history...
does that mean the virus has been deleted.. b/c it does say files cleaned by deletion in the action bar..
when I am trying to move the files into quaratine it says..
--The files have been moved or deleted
--The computer they are located on is off
--You are trying to clean files located in an email message
--You are trying to clean a compressed file in a computer
It may be that the Trojan is still in your computer; please follow advice given here to try to Resolve your Issue.